Lucky us, we got to go to four market days. The array of goodies was amazing. Clothes, spices, honey, flowers, books, jewelry, hats, food. The colors, sights and sounds were something to remember. Much better than a mall!

On this day we went to Rousillion where the village is surrounded by ochre. You can walk through excavation sights for 2 euros. Did you know they heat the ochre to get darker colors for pigments? It is a wonderful village with lots to see and sketch and yes, a little shopping too.

This poor old girl was put out to pasture, literally. One day it was cooler as the mistrals and a storm was approaching so I walk down the road a ways to sit and sketch her. It was challenging but fun. She was actually white but well you know it was Provence and lavender time.

Bits and pieces, that's what I call pages like this one. A balcony, the window from the dining room, a metal shop sign, more door handles. I just fill it up with little things I see.
Robert Bateman 6" x 9" Sketchbook
Pen and Watercolor