Today my neighbor girl, Sruthi and I played at being loose with our artwork. First we drew some flowers with Generals water soluable pencils. Then we painted the background working around the outsides of the flowers. I went back in with my micron 05 pen and Sruthie just added a few accents with her pen.

Next we played with some abstracts. I used the Micron 05 permanent pen and Sruthie used a gel pen that moved a little when she added the watercolors. As you can see as I drew my abstract, she was coping mine but making it her own. Funny, she was across the table from me so her is reversed from mine. I think I like hers better, I so struggle with abstracts.
These were done in our 3" x 5" Strathmore Bristol books. I think they are both way cool.
Great afternoon and Great work Sruthi!