Finally got some of the
EDM Challenges done. Number 83 is a local body of water. I went for a bike ride on Saturday at the park. It was a great sunny day and there were lots of people out on the little lake in the rental water bikes.

After I rode for awhile, I went back to the car for my sketchbook which I try and take with me all the time now.
Number 40 is something with folds and I decided a beautiful little fan from Japan was perfect for the challenge. Number 106 was sour or tart. I think this simple drawing could use a little more work but I like the simplicity and fresh quality is has.

I bought two Robert
Bateman sketchbooks and numbered all the pages, each book will hold 100. This way, I can do all the
EDM challenges and have them all together in one place. I've only done about six of them so this might take awhile.