Last weekend I went to Bowers Museum in Santa Ana. They have an African Exhibition called "passages". There are wonderful photographs, films, masks, clothing and jewelry. I seem to be intreged with masks these days and figured they would go nicely in a grid. There was also a storyteller, sharing old stories from different tribes.
There were many beautiful carved statues and adorments for masks and containers.
The applique squares are from a ceremonial garment which really seemed to be a tent as you couldn't see anything of the person inside.

The jewelry was fasinating. These were made with leather, cowry shells, copper and glass beads. I would wear these but couldn't find any in the gift shop.
The mask is a Society Mask but it doesn't look so social to me.

This sketch was done from a large photograph. The veiled dancer was in mid twirl and I loved the flow of her many layers. It was a challenge but I give myself props on this one. I am happy with the results.
Robert Bateman Sketchbook
Pen and Watercolor